Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The headwind taketh away.

The last two days have been incredibly challenging.  Yesterday it was headwind for 5 miles followed by very stong and gusty cross-winds.  My hands were really sore by the end of the day from trying to control the bike in the gusty winds.  It was especially challening when big trucks went by - in either direction really.  It was just hard to know what the wind was going to do.

Spent the night in Circle, Mt..  Campground not really meant for tents and no shower.  But met Tom from Manchester, England who had the same issues I did and suffered a flat tire to boot.  So, I can't complain too much.

Today was the worst day of biking I have ever had.  One of those days where I question what I was thinking when I decided to do this cross country thing.  Today it was all headwinds - the toughest I have ever ridden in.  It took me 7 1/2 hours to go 50 miles.  Hard peddling all the way.  Very physical and also very mental.  I feel physically beat up.  My whole body is sore and I am wind burned.

But I am recovering.  Had a shower, which works wonders.  Eating and drinking to replenish.  After a good nights sleep, I will be ready to go tomorrow.  On to North Dakota.

Til next time.

1 comment:

  1. Alan, really enjoying reading about your trip! Brings back many fond memories of my cycling adventures. Miss you here at school, keep eating a lot, hydrating, and pedaling hard!

    Bryan Olsen
